Vista Antivirus 2012 arranges a number of errors on a computer system, which it pretends to repair. It also creates system vulnerabilities and deletes patches installed to fix system errors. The resulted vulnerabilities are used by the adware to receive updates from remote attackers, but more often they are used by other viruses which slip into computer system exploiting them. Observations on test PC intentionally infected with the program have clearly shown that the malware in times multiplies the probability of viral injections because of its impact on a computer system.
Get rid of Vista Antivirus 2012 and fix system vulnerabilities, not only those created by the program, but all of those in place. The program is commonly known as a counterfeited security suite which is mainly introduced into Windows computers. As you see from the above, its tasks are note limited to reporting invented virus name, but there is a peril of computer system deterioration.
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