Toshiba just launched their new gaming laptop dubbed as Qosmio X770. This new Qosmio is still come in red colored theme, but it has a beast hidding inside the hood. According to the specification, Toshiba Qosmio X770 is coming with 17.3-inch display supporting full HD 1080p, Intel Core i7-2630QM processor, 8GB of RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M graphics card and a combined 1.25TB HDD.
Toshiba Qosmio X770 gaming laptop is also 3D capable and ready for users to enjoy the 3D experience on-the-go. what’s more is that Toshiba has thrown in a 3D-capable webcam and a shutter glasses that let you chat with your friends in 3D video calls. Sounds nice,
The laptop will also come with optional 3D capabilities for folks who must have 3D on the go – they will also get a 3D-capable webcam and shutter glasses for 3D video calls. But it will cost you $1850 to own one when it has been released on next few weeks.
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